Our Philosophy Drives Our Mission


Our Philosophy

“To bestow one’s wealth is an easy matter and within any man's power. But to determine to whom one should give, the monetary consideration, the time, and for what purpose; is neither in one man's ability, nor an easy matter.”

Aristotle, 4th Century B.C.E.

“The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle”

These words, spoken by Aristotle nearly 2400 years ago, reflect the same concerns and challenges faced by private charitable organizations to this day. Private charitable Trusts and their respective Boards of Trustees’ carry the daunting responsibility of determining how to best distribute their foundation’s charitable gifts.

For our clients, these charitable gifts represent more than just a monetary donation; but are a Trust’s investment in humanity itself; a chapter in the Trust’s legacy; and a tangible reflection of a Trust’s hopes and aspirations to make meaningful change, and improve the lives of the global community.

In 2023 alone, the private charitable Trusts served by Phuran Philanthropic granted a combined $404 Million in charitable gifts, donations, grants and endowments.

Each year our clients receive thousands of funding requests and grant applications. These funding requests encompass the entire spectrum of human needs, cultures and geographies. These requests include funding for general endowments; operating and capacity expansion; specific program funding; poverty eradication; mental health research; social outreach programs; technology and infrastructure funding; medical research-based funding; educational program funding; capital and economic development funding; and dedicated project funding.

Given the complexity and the gravity of a charitable Board’s responsibility, it is paramount that private Foundations and Trusts be able to make informed, cogent, and confident decisions regarding the best application of their Trust’s charitable gift. This responsibility is made less demanding when Trustees and Boards of Trustees have confidence in the integrity and merit of the grant proposals, and the organizations behind those proposals. Phuran Philanthropic Strategies provides these needed assurances.

Our philosophy is also our formula for success:

For over 30 years, the Phuran Philanthropic team has provided our clients with the industry’s best pre-award vetting, grant optimization, and post-award oversight in the industry, so that Trustees can move forward with confidence and clarity in their award decisions.